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Tool Review 002 - TierraTech MOT-150NS Ultrasonic Cleaner
Every mechanic and engine builder knows how essential it is for engine components to be free of any contaminates. Traditionally, shops have used labor intensive and/or crude methods to get parts as clean as possible. Every machine shop will wash your parts in a hot VAT cleaner. It spins your parts around and sprays them with a hot and caustic solution to remove contaminates. This machine does a pretty good job but it has many downfalls. Parts cannot be left unattended because the solution can actually eat away at the material. And the solution rarely gets down into all...
Tool Review 001: Circlip Injector
This year while working our My Shop Assist booth at the Professional Racing Industry (PRI) Trade Show, we spoke with a lot of fantastic shops about our software. We try to make time to venture out into the halls and see the new parts, tools, and cars people bring to the show. It was especially difficult this year as we had a good location for our booth and the traffic was great! People who visited our booth also noticed the 4G63 block we brought on an engine stand to assemble. We did this to demonstrate how the software functions while...