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Shopify - Easy Website building
Shopify for e-commerce websites Shopify is the e-commerce website builder that I use. It allows anyone to create a professional looking e-commerce website even if you have no design skills. It has a bunch of additional apps that can be installed for things like: customer reviews and discount codes. Shopify will take your orders and process credit cards. It can also calculate shipping for your products automatically and integrate with UPS, Fedex, and USPS. Many websites that you use daily are built on the Shopify platform. You can check it out here, I hope this helps!
Imargin Margin Calculator - Calculate your profit margins with ease
Imargin margin calculator (Available in the App Store) This is a margin calculator that I use to determine margin as percentage and a dollar amount. What’s cool about Imargin is that it calculates from any two inputs. For example: Tell Imargin a $ amount you want to make, and the % and it spits out the cost and sale price. Or if you know the cost and you need to make 10% to survive, Imargin spits out the sale price and profit in dollars. I use this multiple times per week.
Milas Tools: A unit Conversion app for your phone
Milas Tools This is a unit conversion app that I use DAILY! Seriously, I use this app when I’m designing parts, tuning cars, etc. It will convert inches to millimeters, quarts to gallons, etc. So put down your calculator and get the app. It’s a no brainer.
Tool Review 003 - Skidmore Wilhelm Tension Gauge
In This Video, Ben Strader from EFI University shows a unique way of measuring clamping force of a fastener.
Choosing a performance workshop
When I was a kid back in the ‘80s there was a TV commercial for a brand of work wear in which a know-all corporate executive is bringing his clients down to the dock to take them to his yacht that was moored in the middle of the harbor. The friendly ferryman tells the exec that, due to the size of the dinghy he’ll be using to get them there, it seems as though it will require two trips to get the job done. This is met with an angry reply of, “Don’t backchat me, I know boats!” and...