100: Reid Lunde returns as a guest for Episode 100 and tells us about Kaizenspeed and KS Tuned

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100: Reid Lunde returns as a guest for Episode 100 and tells us about Kaizenspeed and KS Tuned

Episode 100 features a very special guest! Reid Lunde sits down on the other side of the table for his own interview. He has spoken with dozens of other influencers in the business, but never had a chance to really share his story. Now, he gets his shot!

Reid’s first experience with cars came in the form of RC racing when he was a kid. Not coming from a car family, he pretty much went out on his own to find inspiration. When he got into high school, his love of full size cars started. He made money at a telemarketing agency and saved up for an engine for his Honda. He spent a short while taking business classes while dreaming of speed. He finished his Associates degree and had plans to finish up his Bachelor’s degree. But, he just couldn’t get excited about school and just wanted to get to work.

In the early 2000’s, he started modifying cars in a friend’s backyard. Then they stepped it up and started renting a building. He has been growing the business in the Honda market for over a decade. A few years ago, Reid dove into the Chevy platform and that provided a whole new set of challenges because the market is so much different. But he persevered and now offers warrantied performance upgrades through a local Chevy dealership for his Corvette packages. To expand the business like this, Reid separated the business into two unique entities: Kaizenspeed for the domestic side and KS Tuned for the imports. This way, he can separate the content between the Honda and Corvette platforms and focus on each customer base independently.


Game Changing Product: Inexpensive 3D printers

Favorite App: Audible.com for audio books

Favorite Shop Tool: Dyno

Daily Driver: 2005 Dodge Ram 3500

Future of automotive performance: Software developers to integrate all of the aftermarket parts together

Contact Information:
Website – Kaizenspeed.com for domestics kstuned.com for import
Instagram – @Kaizenspeed @KSTuned
Facebook – /Kaizenspeed /KSTuned
Youtube - Kaizenspeed KSTuned


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