153: Reid Lunde returns to discuss his interconnectable relay entered in the SEMA Launch Pad Competition

153: Reid Lunde returns to discuss his interconnectable relay entered in the SEMA Launch Pad Competition

Reid has been very busy lately managing several businesses. He still has KSTuned which is the Honda racing side and then has Kaisen Speed for the domestic cars. But his new venture is a weatherproof. solid-state relay that can handle heavy current and is interconnectable. This makes it very easy to daisy chain additional relays without having to run more power wires. He also made it so that you can attach a CAN control module as an option. This gives the customer the ability to keep it very simple or more complex with the CAN module.

Reid has entered the relay into the 2019 SEMA Launch Pad Competition presented by the Young Executive Network. Reid needs your votes to move onto the finals. So, follow the link below and go vote!

Voting link – http://bit.ly/VoteLunde 


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